Tango in Bournemouth (6-8 April)
This was the Easter weekend and Begonia and I travelled with Graham and Maggie to the Carrington Hotel where the event was held. The hotel was good, without being luxury, and we certainly enjoyed the food. There is an excellent ballroom. Teaching was done by Sandra and Santiago Monticelli, part of Vincent and Flavia's team for Midnight Tango. Lovely people, great teachers and a fantastic performance of a series of dances at the Saturday night milonga. (http://www.cvmonticelli.blogspot.com/)
We all had a ball! We enjoyed the workshops, the milongas, and Begonia and I had a private lesson which gave me a lot to work on! In the free time Graham and Maggie toured Bournemouth in the open top bus and Begonia and I paddled in the sea!
The event was organised by Alfredo and Marisol at http://www.bailarintangoclub.com/. Watch their web site for future events.