Bob's Blog

This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Fluidity in tai chi and tango

In Debbie Spencer's tai chi class that I attended today, we were reminded that our movements should be fluid as we move through the form. Although we might remember the form in terms of certain poses (raised hands, single whip.....) we flow through these positions in a continuous way. Our joints need to be relaxed to avoid jerky movements and we should feel as if we are moving through a viscous liquid.
Tango should flow in a similar manner. We have the joy of connecting with our partner and aim to move as one in a smooth way. Out movements follow the music and reflect our joint interpretation. The music may demand sharp movements (boleos) but generally the aim is for smooth movement caressing the floor. The aim is not to perform the step taught in the last lesson,  regardless of whether or not it is a reflection of the music. Nor should movement be a series of staccato steps on the beat! 
Better to be simple and fluid and float across the floor.