Bob's Blog

This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.

Saturday, September 02, 2017

Orchestra - Troilo

Orchestra of the month - Troilo

The definitive work on Troilo (1914-1975) is Michael Lavocah's book
Tango Masters: Anibal Troilo.
The book describes Troilo the man "loved by everybody because he loved everybody" and Troilo the musician "el bandoneon mayor de Buenos Aires". The best bandoneon player in Buenos Aires, probably the best ever! He recorded from 1938 to 1969. "The hallmarks of this orchestra were its vibrant sound, its ability to deliver a lyric, and the colour and shading of its music"
Astor Piazzolla played in the orchestra from 1940-44.
All orchestras had speeded up following D'Arienzo's lead in 1935. The dancers wanted it! However come 1942, there was a slow down. Troilo incorporated a cello, resulting in a broadening and smoother sound to the strings. The pivotal piece of music is the 1942 recording of Malena. From that moment, Troilo can be regarded as the best orchestra for tango salon.


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