What do we really hear?
What do we really hear?
This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.
What do we really hear?
Tango and Tai Chi
Yoga - Breathing - Tango
Tango song of the month - 2 - Loca
Loca, me llaman mis amigos,
que sólo son testigos de mi liviano amor. Loca... ¿Qué saben lo que siento, ni qué remordimiento se oculta en mi interior?
Yo tengo, con alegrías,
que disfrazar mi tristeza, y que hacer de mi cabeza las pesadillas huir. Yo tengo que ahogar en copas la pena que me devora... Cuando mi corazón llora, mis labios deben reír.
Yo, si a un hombre lo desprecio,
tengo que fingirle amores; y admiración, cuando es necio; y si es cobarde, temores.
Yo que no he pertenecido
al ambiente en que ahora estoy, he de olvidar lo que he sido y he de olvidar lo que soy. Loca, me dicen mis amigos, que sólo son testigos de mi liviano amor. Loca, ¿Qué saben lo que siento, ni qué remordimiento se oculta en mi interior?
Allá muy lejos, muy lejos,
donde el sol cae cada día, un tranquilo hogar había y en el hogar unos viejos. La vida y su encanto era una muchacha que huyó sin decirles dónde fuera... y esa muchacha soy yo.
Ya no existe más la casa,
ya no existen más los viejos y una muchacha muy lejos, sufriendo la vida pasa. Y al caer todos los días en aquella tierra el sol, caen con él mis alegrías y muere mi corazón. |
Tramp, they call me, my friends,
they who see only
my easy virtue. Tramp... What do they know of what I feel Or what terrible remorse Is hidden inside of me.
I have to disguise my sadness
with gaiety and make my worries flee from my mind. I have to drown in drink the sorrow that devours me.... When my heart weeps My lips have to laugh
Though I despise a man,
I have to pretend to love him; to admire him if he’s a fool; and to fear him if he’s a coward.
I wasn’t always part
of this scene I’m in now, so I have to forget what I have been and forget what I am. Tramp, they call me, my friends, they who see only my easy virtue. Tramp... How can they know who I am Or what remorse Is hidden inside of me?
There, far, far away
Where the sun sets each day, There was a peaceful home And in that home, some old folks. Their life and their darling was a girl who ran away Without saying where she was going... And that girl was me.
Today that house no longer exists.
Today those old folks no longer exist Today the girl, far away, Passes her life in suffering. And as the sun sinks each day In that land, My happiness sinks with it And my heart dies. |
Orchestra of the month - 2 - D'Arienzo
Orchestra of the month - Troilo
Tango song of the month
Malena canta el tango como ninguna
y en cada verso pone su corazon. A yuyo del suburbio su voz perfuma, Malena tiene pena de bandoneon. Tal vez, alla en la infancia, su voz de alondra tomo ese tono oscuro del callejon, o acaso aquel romance que solo nombra cuando se pone triste con el alcohol. Malena canta el tango con voz de sombra; Malena tiene pena de bandoneón. Tu cancion tiene el frio del ultimo encuentro, tu cancion se hace amarga en la sal del recuerdo. Yo no se si tu voz es la flor de una pena, solo se que al rumor de tus tangos, Malena, te siento mas buena, mas buena que yo. Tus ojos son oscuros como el olvido, tus labios, apretados como el rencor, tus manos, dos palomas que sienten frio, tus venas tienen sangre de bandoneon. Tus tangos son criaturas abandonadas que cruzan sobre el barro del callejon, cuando todas las puertas estan cerradas y ladran los fantasmas de la cancion. Malena canta el tango con voz quebrada; Malena tiene pena de bandoneon. |
Malena sings the tango like no one else
and in every single verse she pours her heart. Like a slum weed her voice exude Malena has the sadness of a bandoneon. Perhaps, back in her childhood, her lark’s voice acquired that dark intonation of a back alley, or maybe it is the romance she only names when she gets sad with the alcohol. Malena sings the tango with a somber voice; Malena has the sadness of a bandoneon. Your song has the cold of the last encounter, your song embitters itself with a salty remembrance. I don’t know if your voice is the bloom of a sadness; all I know that in the muttering of your tangos, Malena, I sense you are better, much better than me. Your eyes are dark like the oblivion, your lips, pressed tight in a grimace of rancor your hands, two doves that suffer the cold, your veins have blood of bandoneon. Your tangos are forsaken creatures that walk across the mud of a back alley, when all the doors are locked and the spirits of the song howl. Malena sings the tango with a choking voice, Malena has the sadness of a bandoneon. |