South West Coast Path - Part 3 29 March - 4 April.
Cheryl and I were indebted to Ken and Denise for putting us up and driving us to the start of our walking. Staying with K and D is such a pleasure. Great G&Ts, great food (they take it in turn to cook, very civilised) and just wonderful company.
Essentially in the 4 days of walking we went from Brixham to Salcombe. K and D dropped us at the start of day 1 reluctantly - or was it that we were reluctant to get out of their car. It was raining! We had all our waterproof gear on and made slow progress as it was very slippery. I proved that by slipping off a stile very early in the day. I had a bruise on my buttock that could not be covered by a hand - not that anybody tried. Uphill is always slow, but with the slippery conditions , downhill was even slower. There was no level ground.
We then had a rest day - what clever planning. Met K and D in Dartmouth and had lovely meal on a boat in the Dart estuary.
Day 2 was a bit on the damp side but much more manageable and involved a walk along Slapton Sands alongside the Nature Reserve.
Day 3 was so glorious that nothing else on Earth mattered! Blue sky, wonderful scenery, just one of the great days walking.
Day 4 was nearly as good and we could almost forget the hardship of the first day.
We arrived in Salcombe after rounding Prawle Point with a few hours to kill. My boots which had given great service but no longer could be kept in close proximity to somebody with all senses intact, were cermonially dumped!
Then on to the bus to get us back close to K and D. Sitting on top of the double decker bus as it hurled around country lanes was a white knuckle ride but a great way to see the coast from a different angle.