Bob's Blog

This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Malvern Show May 9 2008

This show was, surprisingly for me, a joy last year, so, of course, Cheryl and I were there again this year.
We arrived early, so we were waiting to be let in with about 200 others, because the gates must not be opened a second before 9am. Since we now rate ourselves as experienced show ‘goers’ we headed straight for the show gardens and were able to look at all of them without too much of a crowd - this was certainly not the case a little later when there were people 3 and 4 deep trying to gat a view. Cheryl takes a balanced professional look at the design whereas I have a gut reaction to what I see! Most I liked, some were fabulous, one or two I didn’t like - bicycle wheels in the fence! And I don’t get on with the ‘natural’ look - it just seems like nobody could be bothered to cut the grass! However the dedication of the designers and builders has to be admired (particularly when students involved)
Cheryl can look at plants all day - and buy all day as well. I soon get saturated and they all just look green! So while she looks at the plants, seeking particular ones for her garden, I can look at the craft, furniture, machinery, food, wine and especially the tool stalls. Although I don’t need anything in the way of garden tools I marvel at the secateurs that will cut through a 2” branch and the fork and spade in gleaming stainless steel - too good to be got dirty! There is everything at this show - sadly you can only eat one lunch so I had to miss the duck, beef, lamb and seafood!
I did buy an acer which now graces my garden and which we just got into the car alongside the 20+ other purchases.
We had a cool, slightly overcast day for our 8-hour examination of the show. We would not have survived with the hot weather of the day before and after!

Bodnant gardens - April 2008

Cheryl and I braved wet Wales in mid April to look at Bodnant Gardens. Cheryl has a list of gardens that just have to be visited and I am lucky enough to tag along! We were actually quite lucky with the weather - just a couple of light showers, some sun which made the garden and the spectacular scenery of north Wales look extra special. It was cold and there was still snow on the mountains of Snowdonia which even the locals were a little surprised at.
However this beautiful garden was very colourful at this time of the year - rhododendrons, camellias and magnolias were splendid. Some superb arches indicated that it will be even more colourful later and so we may be making a return visit.
Cheryl is fascinated by the architecture of these gardens and although I can’t always appreciate that overall aspect, I do enjoy walking around and I do enjoy seeing the features. I don’t think I will become a Capability Brown but watching Cheryl enjoy these gardens has given me a better perspective - however I am still glad that I don’t have the responsibility of keeping even a small garden in order. (I have a collection of pots on a patio with an automatic watering system!)
We did plan to visit Port Merrion (Meirion) but torrential rain and even flurries of snow soon changed our minds!