Bob's Blog

This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

ARGENTINA Alte Montagn

This was the day for a trip from Mendoza to the Chilean border on a High Mountain minibus outing. Past the wine fields (happy memories), great views of those snow capped peaks and then into more rugged scenery as the road followed the river.
We visited Puente del Incas.

 It is a natural bridge over the river and there are spa waters which are reputed to quickly calcify any object left in them. At one time there was a hotel but an avalanche swept that away. You are now not allowed to walk over the bridge or go down to the river or into the Spa building. The rocks are vivid yellow and orange. It is spectacular but spoilt as so many people like me want to have look, and so all the paraphernalia of tourism builds up. 2 laps of the stalls in 5 minutes was enough.
Next we stopped for a view of Aconcagua and its glacier. It is 6962m high and the highest point on earth outside the Himalayas. I do like mountains.

We turned off the main highway which was just a few kms short of the border to follow a dirt road around many hair pin bends with a shear drop often on one side, up to 4200m. There a statue of Christ had been built about 100 years ago. I expected the temperature drop but the wind was something else.
For the last 2 years the ski resorts have not opened because there has been no snow! Mendoza and its wine production depend on irrigation from melting snow fields as the natural rain fall is 200mm a year. This is becoming a serious problem.
A long but worthwhile day out in glorious sunny conditions.


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