Bob's Blog

This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

South West Coast Path - 2 23 - 30 November

It was a quick turn round for me – home from Newcastle on Monday and off to Bishopsteignmouth on Tuesday. Cheryl and I travelled independently from out homes to be collected from the station by Ken and Denise.
Walking more of the SWCP was the excuse to be in Devon but the delight of this week was to stay with my oldest friends who are the best hosts possible. G&T before dinner, some good wine to accompany great home cooked food. K and D share the cooking – well they have shared their lives for some 60 years, since the time we were at school together. They have met Cheryl before but this was an opportunity for them to get to know each other. Cheryl was so happy that they were so welcoming.

This was the week that snow came to most of the UK with a vengeance – but not to Devon. We had some cold, very frosty mornings but blue skies and glorious walking weather. With help from Ken and Denise but also using local buses and trains, we walked from beyond Brixham to Exeter, about 40 miles. Some wonderful scenery and we were able to explore Exeter as a city – very good indeed with some new shops; Torquay that looked wonderful from the coast but a little tired in the centre; and Brixham that was charming. We spent some time in ‘Living World’ in Torquay and were never closer to penguins!

We will certainly be visiting Ken and Denise again!


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