Bob's Blog

This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Setting benchmarks

Rosanna and I attended 29 milongas in 24 days (I miscounted the days in a previous post - easily done when you have two sleeps in a day!). An average of 1.2 milongas per dia! I have a mind to set this as the benchmark to be achieved by visitors to the BsAs scene, with the proviso that at least 2 weeks are spent in the City.
It has been suggested (Regina) that while the four of us were together we completed 7 milongas in 4 days, with an average of 1.75 per dia. However I consider this to be just a sprint and not comparable to the 24 day marathon!
The challenge is there for fellow tangueros.


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