Bob's Blog

This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Sung and the close embrace

Sung and the close embrace in Argentine Tango

Today my tai chi group talked about SUNG. Sung is pronounced more "soong" and has nothing to do with singing! It is about being totally relaxed while being alert. In tai chi and other martial arts, practitioners strive for this state. Critics point out that competitions in the martial arts, deflect people away from achieving this desired state of mind and body.

 "the vital quality of sung is lost by students who egotistically strive to ‘look good’ 
during their performance to the detriment of their energy flow."

This could equally apply to dancing tango! What is important, is not what onlookers see, but what partners feel when they dance truly together.
In the close embrace the follower should be striving for sung. She could be in the perfect physical position (maybe placed there by a teacher) and comfortable and confident she has got it right. However if she is not in the right mental state then a meaningful connection may not be achieved.
Of course, if the lead is not cherishing his partner and making her feel wanted and protected, then sung will be impossible. Equally if the follower is thinking, "I don't like being close to this man" or " when is he going to lead me into fancy steps" the connection will not be there. Believe me, leaders can sense their followers mental state as well as their physical presence, and I am sure the reverse is also true. 
Sung is an enhanced state of mind and body, it is NOT the follower switching off her brain!
Are these thoughts useful in achieving connection?

The full article on Sung, from which I quote, is on my blog


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