Bob's Blog

This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Immortal Tango 5 March 2016

Regina, Nancy and I decided to have a day in London. The train journey was enjoyable because we talked so much. After a quick lunch we headed for the Peacock Theatre and the matinee performance of Immortal Tango. On dear! Can I say anything good about this show? Well, they are professional dancers and musicians. Their postures, lines, abilities are to be admired but where was tango. Ballet with boleos is not tango. Pointe work, however elegant is not tango, nor is jive or gymnastics.
The three of us were feeling guilty, each wondering if it was just ourselves that were so disappointed, when the interval came and we were unanimous in condemnation of the show. The couple in front of us turned around to express similar views. And so it went on, some ridiculous costumes,embarrassing comedy, weird choice of music.
There was nothing expressing tango, past,present and certainly not future.
What was horrific was that in the finale, people stood to applaud. The audience was in raptures. Does bums on seats justify this awful presentation.
The sow has been strongly criticised by professional reviewers (The Times,The Stage) and by Mshedgehog's blog!


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