Bob's Blog

This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Buenos Aires - A city tour - on the stage

Tony and Lesley have joined me and we thought the easy way to get a good feel of the enormous city was to take an open top bus tour. We started in the heart of the city at Plaza de Mayo.


There are still protests from the dreadful events of the 70's going on here.

However on the bus we just had to get off at La Boca - there were so many people milling about, clearly, it was so colourful and we wanted to join in.

We walked up and down the streets, listening to the tango music, watching some dancing, looking at the leather goods and the many photos and paintings of tango dancers. Eventually, having spent much more time than we had planned, we stopped for some food and drink. Of course there was a tango show - there are so many! Suddenly Lesley was on her feet and up on the stage. Usually this is just to pose with the man for a photo but it was obvious Lesley could dance, so they tangoed to the two guitarists. Mucch applause.

Then it was my turn to perform with the woman and to do as many steps as I could think of. It all went well - I don't think they have to fear that we will be taking over from them, but we both danced creditably.

The rest of the day seemed quite tame but we did get some idea of the city from our tour and how lovely that the background music to the commentary was course, tango music. It is part of the heart of the city.


Blogger Unknown said...

I've just been given the link to your blog by Phil and am thoroughly enjoying hearing about all of your exploits - please keep them coming! I'm intrigued that the men and women sat in different rows on the Thursday milonga - do people who arrive in couples split up then?

3:13 AM  

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