Bob's Blog

This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Another Visit to Salon Canning

Lesley and I went together to this milonga on a Sunday evening. We were shown to a table alongside the floor. It had been reserved and the previous people had left so we were very lucky. However it is difficult to see people to dance with from this ringside seat and as we arrived as a couple perhaps we were ignored as potential partners. So we just danced together and lovely as that was we felt we had missed out a little bit.
This is classic tango so it is close embrace, much turning around and nothing more elaborate than a few ochos. Although 2 or 3 couples manage more, it is not exciting tango to watch. Couples move backward, dance in the middle of the floor ,block a lane and move across lanes - all things I often do and am desperately trying not to do here! The dress standard is poor - men in T shirts and polo shirts. We must get to more milongas to see the portenos at their best!


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