Eva Peron is still important!
There are still large numbers who worship her and many who don't! Who mutilated her dead body? She was the supporter of the poor but dressed extravagantly.
The museum is excellent. It was on our list but we came across it accidently heading for the Japanese Gardens after the disappointment of the Botanical Gardens. The displays are great in giving the story of the Perons and hence Argentina for that period. English as well as Spanish. Tango music in the background, lots of film, some on TVs and others projected on the walls. Lots of clothes and other memoribilia.
I love some of the quotes from her speeches - 'I am loved by the poor and hated by the oligarchy'.
We decided to eat at the Restaurant (background music changed to Norah Jones!) and I had Meat and Potatoe pie - boring - no! It had a sweet meringue top.
So next time you cook cottage pie don't brown the potatoes in the oven but add a meringue topping and think you could be in Argentina.
At this restaurant there were some older Argentinians that were well dressed. We have not yet seen many really smartly dressed people as we were promised and that applies to the milongas as well.
Later we visited the Cemetery at Recoletta.
There is an incredible array of tombs.
Most important, of course, is that of Evita.
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