Bob's Blog

This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Welcome to Cuba - Not,

Cheryl and I took the train into Gatwick. 10 minutes after arriving at the station our bags were dropped off and 10 minutes after that we were through security. We boarded at 11.15 and the Virgin Atlantic flight took off on time at 12.30. It was a good flight with good meals and excellent film choice! We landed on time at 6.25 Cuban time after 10 hours in the air.
We entered the immigration "lounge" which was a 50m square room with 18 counters and completely full of people! 2 HOURS later we were at the desk to have our passport number copied by hand and our photo taken. Why? We are required to have a visa, so have already been checked. So who is suspected of entering this country to disrupt it.
It was the WORST entry to any country I have experienced. Worse than Nepal, China, South Africa, America on a bad day and Argentina. Another hour before we were on the coach to the Iberostar Grand Parque; things must improve from now on.
Please get your act together, Cuba!


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