Bob's Blog

This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Las Terrazzas

There could not be more of a contrast between Havana and Las Terrazzas, 11/2 hours drive westwards. La Moka hotel stands looking across a valley, through trees with Turkey Vultures wheeling in thermals above and sometimes below our vantage point on the balcony. The community here is down in the valley with the river and the single road that brings us in.
This used to be a prosperous coffee plantation but all that is left are the remains of buildings and stories of the slaves that did the work. Brazil, in particulars, could produce coffee cheaper and the Cuban production ceased.
Now, there is a thriving community which helps each other, perhaps a successful part of communism. We visited an artist who uses paper he recycles himself and some craft shops in a small centre with doctor, dentist and pharmacy. Also we visited Maria's coffee shop with its justified reputation for the best coffee anywhere! Like so much of Cuba it relies on tourists but it was a pleasure to spend money here and give some support to this community.
The setting is idyllic in this green valley with its sense of calm, after the noise and hectic life of Havana. This might be remote but some musicians played exciting salsa music for us over lunch. Nowhere in Cuba is without live music!


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