Tango in Nottingham - Sharon's Visit (19-22 April)
I have known Sharon from several years ago at various Modern Jive events and holidays. Recently she has joined the tango obsessives and has rapidly become a very good follower. It was planned to be an intensive few days of dancing and we started on Thursday evening with Ceroc. Marc and Di came to West Bridgford and we all had a good evening. I was surprised how much I enjoyed it, maybe I am not such a tango snob after all!
Friday we had a private lesson from Facundo (Edinburgh teacher) who was also giving a lesson before Lisa's milonga. Despite women outnumbering men, the lovely Nottingham tango dancers welcomed Sharon into their midst - she was delighted. There are famous places to dance tango where she would have been made to feel an outsider.
Thank you girls.
We had a great milonga as always happens when Lisa is in control.
Saturday afternoon we went to Via Fossa (where the Monday class is held) and they let us dance in one of their rooms for nothing.
Thank you Via Fossa!
Saturday evening Begonia joined us and Lisa kindly drove us to Morley (Leeds) for their milonga. It was a bit daunting but we soon got into the swing of it and all had a good time. BUT it is too far to go for an evening.
In between all that dancing (and sometimes during it) Sharon and I talked....and talked...and laughed. Saturday evening was special as Begonia joined us and we talked even more. Sharon and Begonia got on so well and that is a friendship that will last.
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