Bob's Blog

This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Tierra del Fuego National Park

This was a good half day excursion by minibus into the Park. Regina went by full size coach, hmmm! Coach envy! Most of my group went on El Tren del fin el Mundo but a Swiss man and I decided to walk, so we had the guide to ourselves. The train was used to move prisoners around to do work in the area long before it was a Park. We had a good walk along the edge of the Beagle Channel and could see mountains in Chile. We joined with the rest of the group and saw a Beaver dam which ends up flooding and killing trees. The beavers were introduced for their pelts which turned out to be rubbish here but excellent in the USA. They also introduced rabbits which rapidly got out of hand. The Argentinians won't eat rabbit (they do rather stick to cultural diets, but it is fabulous steaks they eat, so I know what I would be choosing). Hence they introduced the white fox which refused to eat rabbit but eat the indigenous red fox instead. We learnt a bit about the Yamanas indians who were the original inhabitants. They lived here naked! Much as I like taking my clothes off, not in this climate. And I can't believe that smearing seal fat all over will keep you that warm.


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