The Next Step
Actually it is not a step. I can learn steps and also forget them! I can work on my posture, walking, dissociation.....I am told I lead well and I enjoy that and usually, what I have in mind for my partner, actually happens. BUT I do not lead in the way an Argentine man leads. I can work hard and practice to do better the things that I currently do, but I will not get closer to that goal. It starts with the embrace. The girls come back from dancing with an Argentine man and say that he has been the perfect gentleman. Non-tango readers (if they have not given up already) will wonder how the woman can make chest to chest contact in an embrace with a total stranger, be held in a tight embrace such that she cannot make independant movements and still say he was a gentleman. The woman must commit to the man totally. She must feel secure in his arms, she must feel from him that no other woman matters to him for the next 3 minutes. His concern is totally for her and not himself. When the connection is established and the dance progresses as well as it can, and this most certainly does not happen on every occasions, the girls return from the dance almost crying with the depth of emotion. Knowing that this possibility exists drives us forward in tango and the word obsession is banded about. It is a different state that is achieved, not simply a nice dance. What is the secret? Who can teach me this leading skill? It is the next step forward in tango that I must take.
these are the things that cannot be taught or learned in a hurry. these are the things that happen after, i suspect, many, many years of dancing tango. i have a feeling that the woman also has to want to be lost in the moment; she also has to give. it will be no use if the woamn is leading! as toby always tells us, tango is a conversation for 3 minutes and in that time we communicate to each our passion for the music and for the dance. the two things need to combine so that the leader and the follower are the same, perfectly tuned, animal, moving as one. we came close to it in barcelona with paul. how i would love to repeat that class now, with an other couple of years under my belt. this is the difference between someone who has been dancing for five months and five years. you are at the stage where you know now it is in the fine detail; it is almost something that cannot be taught or even put into words, but i know, and you know that it is there. that you do know it is there is a credit to you and the investment you have made in the worlds most intelligent dance. well done tangobob. i am looking forward to dancing with you again soon. xxx
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