Bob's Blog

This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Lessons from Tai Chi

Lessons from Tai Chi
Once again at Debbie Spencer's Tai Chi class we delved deep into the meaning of Tai Chi and how it can allow us to explore ourselves. Of course I drew parallels with tango. Superficially it could be said Tai Chi was just waving arms about and just as superficially, it could be said tango was just a series of steps, just a dance!
The real person that we are, is deep within what may be seen from the outside. We have layers of illusions, self delusion, expectations, maybe fear, that hide the real self. We need to shed these layers, move inward, remove tension and become the real person that we truly are, as we seek that awareness of self.
In Tai Chi we need to refine our movements, live in the moment and focus our minds on discovering true self.
In tango we can use the connection with our partner and complete abandonment to the music to understand ourselves. We shed those layers by giving ourselves to our partners as we mutually engage with the music and become honest.
For me dancing to so-called alternative music would reinforce illusions that exist of myself. The music can be lovely, the partner can be lovely, and we can pretend and dream. Maybe that is the way to escape from the world and oneself.
An understanding of the history and culture of tango - ideally obtained in Buenos Aires but gained or reinforced from the many books on the subject, will promote a desire to appreciate the music that developed as the dance developed in the Golden Age. Then those self delusions that cloud the self, can be stripped away. As a leader cherishing and protecting or as a follower giving yourself totally to your lead, there is no escaping who you really are! 
It can make a milonga a roller coaster ride of reality, a true life experience.


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