Bob's Blog

This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Cienfuegos - twice

We had a walking tour of Cienfuegos which has some splendid buildings and is very clean. We came across a big band playing swing jazz. An old man with a walking stick danced with great rhythm and exaggerated hip movement (No it was not me!).
Our guide Osvaldo was pleased to see the rebuilding of the central square, so good work is being done all over Cuba, but is it enough?
After a relaxing drink in a good hotel we drove out to the Biological Gardens and took a tour with the local guide, Roger. He certainly knew everything about the trees, flowers and large buds that yielded a white sticky stuff that he used as chewing gum when a child! This was an excellent tour and back on the bus, Osvaldo offered us Cienfuegos for lunch or on to Trinidad - we chose Trinidad, only to find that the bus took a couple of turns and we were heading back to Cienfuegos! The excuse/reason was that the driver had to have a proper lunch! So we were dumped in Cienfuegos for a second time and wandered as a group looking for a drink and a snack. We chose a place that did pizza and the proprietor welcomed us in good English. The beer was cold and pizza piping hot and we were happy. Faced with some hours in the coach we made this the loo stop. Knowing his "fussy" the English were, our host treated us by finding a piece of soap so we could wash our hands. I felt the soap might have been locked in the safe! It was certainly not available to the kitchen staff!
This is a bit of a criticism of Osvaldo, misjudging what he had to offer us, but overall he was an excellent guide and we will give him top marks in any survey.
A couple more hours travel and we were in Trinidad and the Iberostar hotel which was the best of the tour, even better than the one in Havana. It had wifi, although weak. It just about managed emails but nothing so large as The Times to download!
Rob and Isobel (200 entries in Trip Advisor) has researched and told us of the Sol y Son Restaurant on Simon Bolivar Calle. We went there for the three nights we were in Trinidad. An imaginative menu with beautifully cooked food, excellent mojitos, and a wine store you are allowed to explore to choose. Go there if you can!


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