Traffic and Queues
All the cities I have visited have been set out on a grid system with one way traffic on alternate streets. If you are in a car (surely you won't be driving) the rule is give way to traffic on your right. I have been told this because it is impossible to discern by observation. The first car there wins! If you are walking, do realise the "zebra" crossings mean nothing - or maybe an extra form to fill in by the driver. If the traffic comes from your right then you have to pick a gap and run for it. Ideally walk alongside a woman with a pram who will get more sympathetic treatment than a war-mongering brit! If the traffic comes from your left you have the added complication the traffic travelling in your direction may turn right - hence you have to look in 2 directions at one time. Impossible for a man. The queues at the Cambio were even longer today, but it is Friday. The queues at the Banks are because welfare is paid out in cash and according to people who go on tours, that is most of the population - same moans all over the world. Then they have to queue, probably in another Bank, to pay their bills, in cash. There were queues at mobile phone kiosks and ATM machines. The ATM machines are always in rooms off the street so the queue forms outside respecting the customers inside. I even saw a queue and followed it but it went nowhere so I think it is a comfort zone to stand in line. Then I went seaching for a queue to buy an empanada but without any luck. Some days bring their dissappointments.
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