Bob's Blog

This Blog will follow my adventures - well holidays really. Hopefully you will want to tell me what you enjoyed in the countries I have visited and maybe recommend places to go.

Friday, January 26, 2007

The Grampians

We drove into the Grampians along a spectacular highway cut into the side of the mountain, and enjoyed good weather! We visited McKenzie Falls - 100m descent and then climb to get out, but worth it as it was very spectacular. Then some great sights - the Balcony rocks and the Boronia viewpoint with a wonderful view over Halls Gap where we stayed. Visitor numbers are down as there were serious fires in the Grampians just two years ago. The regeneration is underway and is a marvellous sight as there is bright green foliage coming from the intense black trunks.
Brambuk Visitors Centre and Cultural Centre is very special, inside and out, as the building is designed to resemble a cockateel.
We set out early the next morning and were rewarded with groups of kangaroos grazing and many blue fairy wrens which are almost too gaudy to be true! We were on our way up the 350 m climb to the top of Mount Boronia. There was some genuine scrambling at the end and we really felt we were on top of a mountain. Fortunately very craggy so plenty of secure places to stand and sit. Nevertheless we were just 2m from a drop of several hundred metres to the valley below. It was the most satisfying walk I have ever done. a great exhilirating feeling to be on the top. It was a cloudy day and the temperature was only 13. We might have struggled if it had been full sun.
We drove south out of the Grampians and but for the cloud hanging on the mountains could have had some great views, but this is a part of Australia that could be visited many times.


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